Human Element in Email Security

Empowering Teams with Targeted Insights and Training

Unlock the full potential of your workforce. By integrating crowdsourced threat intelligence and GPT-powered training, we enhance your defenses and transform your employees into a crucial line of phishing defense. Our tools educate and empower your staff, transforming them into an active and informed line of defense.

Crowdsourced Threat Intelligence

Our network of over 25,000 threat hunters is a key element to our AI’s learning process. These experts contribute real-time insights that speeds up our machine learning capabilities against zero-day attacks. By incorporating this data continuously, we enhance our AI’s ability to adapt and predict future attacks, autonomously resolving virtually all email threats.

Further, this collaborative approach provides you with visibility into how your peers are resolving ambiguous email incidents, including those flagged by employees through our integrated report phishing button.

Integrated Phishing Simulations and SAT

Our platform incorporates phishing simulation testing and security awareness training (SAT) modules that automatically tailor simulations to each employee's specific threat profile. Leveraging advanced social graphs, these modules pinpoint individuals or departments most at risk—whether due to frequent targeting, past test failures, or lack of previous exposure.

We empower VIPs and frequently targeted employees with our GPT-powered spear phishing module, crafting highly realistic simulations that enhance their ability to identify and respond to socially engineered email attacks.

Generative AI Tools for Your Employees

Equip your staff with dynamic tools, such as real-time warning banners and a streamlined report phishing button, complemented by an AI-powered Copilot.

This approach guides employees during threat encounters and provides real-time education and training to reinforce security protocols and enhance overall vigilance.


"The integration of IRONSCALES has transformed our approach to email security. Importantly, the comprehensive training and testing regimen has educated our staff effectively, making them savvy about cybersecurity. It’s gratifying to see such proactive engagement and learning across the board."
Elliott Franklin Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer at Fortitude Re

Stop Email Attacks.
Dead In Their Tracks.

Get better protection, simplify your operations, and empower your organization against advanced threats today.