SEG Replacement

Ditch your SEG

Email threats evolve daily. Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) simply can’t keep up. It's time for a change. We can help.


The Challenge of
Email Security Operations

Security teams find themselves caught in the crossfire of manual processes and an overwhelming number of safe alerts that obscure real threats, all while managing an ever-growing workload.
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Outdated Defenses

SEGs are falling behind. They are good at catching attacks they are told to look for, but they often miss the more evasive threats that lack the usual signs of risk. 
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Operational Drain

SEGs are needy. Managing them is complex and tedious, which makes them a drain on productivity and time—resources better spent on important tasks. 

Blind to Evolution

SEGs are slow. As criminals evolve, SEGs stand still. They fail to adapt to emerging attack methods, especially targeted attacks built with generative AI.
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Email Disruption

They go down, you go down. When a SEG goes offline it causes email disruptions—impacting business operations for extended periods of time. 

Amplify Your Cloud Email Defense

We make email security easy. No more complex MX record changes. No Mail Flow Disruptions. Our Adaptive AI learns and adjusts to new threats on its own. Our API seamlessly integrates with your M365 and GWS service in 3-clicks and immediately starts blocking email attacks. 



Proactively Defend Against Emerging Attacks 

Elevate your email security with pinpoint accuracy in detecting advanced phishing threats. Our platform continuously learns using Adaptive AI to identify behavioral anomalies and detect sophisticated email attacks.

Combining real-time human feedback with behavioral analysis, our platform ensures comprehensive protection against evolving threats, keeping your organization secure.



Slash Time Spent Chasing Threats

Our platform redefines incident response with intelligent automation tailored to your security preferences. Here's what sets our remediation process apart:

  • Smart Email Clustering and Incident Response—Once a threat is detected by our machine learning models, our AI-Powered MSOAR steps in to cluster similar incidents, initiating an automated remediation process.
  • Customizable Control Over Automation—While our platform thrives on full automation, we understand the value of human discretion. Administrators can tailor the level of automation to their comfort, from fully automated remediation, or one that incorporates your personalized expertise.
  • Empowered User Reporting—When employees flag suspicious emails, our platform instantly analyzes and resolves most within seconds. For cases requiring a closer look, our streamlined manual review kicks in, expertly resolving issues typically in under 1-minute.


Empower Your Employees

Our platform incorporates phishing simulation testing and security awareness training (SAT) modules that automatically tailor simulations to each employee's specific threat profile.

Leveraging advanced social graphs, these modules pinpoint individuals or departments most at risk—whether due to frequent targeting, past test failures, or lack of previous exposure.

We empower VIPs and frequently targeted employees with our GPT-powered spear phishing module, crafting highly realistic simulations that enhance their ability to identify and respond to socially engineered email attacks.


Case Studies

"The ability to provide real-time feedback on both positive and negative performance has proven very effective. It’s a wake-up call for our employees.”
city of memphis

Stop Email Attacks.
Dead In Their Tracks.

Get better protection, simplify your operations, and empower your organization against advanced threats today.