Crowdsourced Threat Intelligence

Share Intelligence.
Strengthen Defenses.

Tap into the collective power of 25,000+ security professionals for real-time insights on the latest never-seen-before email threats.


Features & Benefits


Real-time Updates

Receive aggregated real-time incident updates from all security teams right inside the platform

Synchronized Alerts

Syncs alerts with other solutions on the platform to automate detection and remediation
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Collaborative Threat Intel

Collaborate anonymously on threats internally or externally with other users around the world
“Phishing remediation through crowdsourcing… that’s the ticket.”
CISO Global Financial Services firm
Collaborate with over 25,000 of Security Experts

Threat intelligence from most security vendors is often built on outdated, inaccurate data. We ensure phishing threat intelligence is up-to-date and with insights from a network of over 25,000 global security experts—so your team has the most relevant information on known and never-seen-before attacks.

Stop Never-Seen-Before Attacks with Real-Time Threat Intelligence
Prepare your team with real-time, real-world threat intelligence from a global network of like-minded security teams. That means being able to anticipate and identify attacks that happen anywhere in the world before they compromise your mailboxes.
Build a Virtual Wall Against Zero Day Attacks
The moment a user in our network of 20,000 security admins confirms a never-seen-before phishing attack, every IRONSCALES enabled mailbox is instantly shielded from similar attacks. All our machine learning modules are updated in real-time to block future variations of that attack.
Unburden Your Team

Decentralized threat intelligence harnesses the collective strength of global security teams to safeguard against emerging and ever-changing cyber threats.

Just as Airbnb and Waze anonymously share information among their users, our platform discreetly collects and disseminates ongoing incident updates from all organizations.


Stop Email Attacks.
Dead In Their Tracks.

Get better protection, simplify your operations, and empower your organization against advanced threats today.