Email Protection for Education and Government Institutions

We offer special pricing to protect your staff and students from advanced phishing threats like BEC, ransomware, credential harvesting, and more.

Interested in Learning About Special Pricing?

Protect Faculty, Staff, and Students from Advanced Email Threats
Universities and colleges manage vast amounts of sensitive personal data, operate a campus-wide intranet, and handle critical research information. These factors make the higher education sector an attractive target for cyber threats. The more sensitive the data, the higher its value to malicious actors. Ensuring robust email security is essential to safeguard this valuable information and protect your institution from potential breaches.
"IRONSCALES is catching 80-90% of phishing attempts and other miscellaneous emails that shouldn’t be coming through. It’s performing as advertised, so when we do need to remediate, the process works perfectly. And our people are finally ‘getting’ security."
JIM WOLFF Director Oftechnology, Paramountschool District


Speed Matters When Defending Against Phishing Attacks
Research has shown that the first click of a phishing email occurs only 82 seconds after it is delivered to your organization's inboxes.

You need a solution that can detect and remediate phishing emails in milliseconds automatically. Legacy SEG technologies simply aren't fast enough. IRONSCALES can help.
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Training Made Easy
Phishing and ransomware attacks are growing and becoming more sophisticated with the increase in remote learning.

We provide Security Awareness Training that meets every email user where they are - by role, function, geo, or device. You can customize simulated phishing emails and set each user a score that determines the difficulty level of the training or phishing test they receive.
Crowdsourced Threat Intelligence

As an IRONSCALES customer, you become part of our "Community" of over 7,000 customer security teams across the globe.

Any Community member can report a suspicious attack, which our platform incorporates into the email protection of all customers. Think of it as an early warning detection no other security company provides today.

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Report Emails From Your Inbox

Turn a potential wrong click into the right one. The IRONSCALES phishing report button allows your employees and students to easily report suspicious-looking emails to your IT team.

We also provide customizable warning banners on potentially malicious emails reducing the likelihood of users clicking or replying to a threat. 

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IRONSCALES in Education
and Government