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The IRONSCALES team was thrilled to attend RSA Conference 2023 in San Francisco. The conference brought together 43,000 cybersecurity industry experts and thought leaders from across the globe. There were 652 speakers, 400+ sessions, and over 500 exhibitors and our team was happy to speak to attendees to advise on how to make us all Safer Together.

Here are a few key insights from the event:

Everyone is talking about generative AI. Whether companies are integrating AI tech into their products or using it to make themselves more efficient, the topic of generative AI took center stage at the conference. Although most can agree that this technology will rapidly become essential for front-end user interfaces, many experts still feel the hype around generative AI distracts companies from addressing current cyber threats, as many employees are still falling for known cyber-attacks, such as phishing. CISOs seem to be united in their belief that cyber criminals will be using generative AI to formulate and spread attacks more quickly and broadly than ever before. Generative AI is already being used against employees in social engineering attacks. 

The role of the CISO is increasingly important. The White House published its National Cybersecurity Strategy in March, so this was also a hot topic of conversation. The strategy proposes new regulations to establish baseline standards of cybersecurity. In addition, the SEC is seeking to impose new rules to increase cyber disclosures, so CISOs would be on the hook to demonstrate their ability to mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks. If implemented, end-user liability disclaimers will no longer protect companies from liability of releasing products with vulnerabilities. 

Emphasis on combining the power of AI with human intelligence. A keynote from Tom Gillis and Jeetu Pate at Cisco, stressed the importance of human expertise in threat detection and response, drawing parallels between modern SOC teams and traditional detectives. This message resonated with our IRONSCALES team as we have built our product around the power of AI combined with human intelligence. 

The RSA conference was a great opportunity for us to interact face to face with some of our most valuable customers and learn first-hand what challenges you face and what you are seeing in the market as well as been able to share our plans and roadmap. Thank you to those of you who attended our breakfast and came by our booth. 

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