White Papers

The Seven Essentials of a Modern Email Security Platform
This playbook introduces CISOs, security teams and analysts, and business decision-makers to the seven essentials of a modern email security platform while providing an objective explanation as to why each essential is necessary and how they work together.
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What Are BEC Attacks?
Business Email Compromise attacks are one of the biggest threats to every industry. BEC schemes cost an estimated $1.77 billion, and that number is only projected to skyrocket in the coming years. Whether you’re in the commercial, government, and non-profit sector, you are at risk of BEC attacks.
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Ransomware Gangs: Who They Are and How to Defend Against Them
While progress has been made by various government agencies to identify, prosecute, and jail key members of various ransomware gangs, new gangs continue to pop up and former gangs reconstitute themselves with a new name but the same nefarious purpose.
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