Celebrating 1-Year of Themis Copilot

Empowering Employees, The Key to Defeating Phishing Attacks

It’s been a year since we launched Themis Copilot for Microsoft Outlook. To say it has been a success is a massive understatement. Themis Copilot has been a huge hit with our customers and prospective clients.

copilot_sidebar_The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, customers are reporting that fewer harmless emails need to be reviewed by IT security staff, and there’s been a significant improvement in phishing simulation test results across the board.

With this success in mind, I'd like to share some insights we've observed from people using Themis Copilot and revisit why we created this tool in the first place.

The Reality of Modern Cyber Threats

By now, everyone knows that phishing and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks are dangerous and always evolving. And with the rise of generative AI (GenAI), attackers now have even more powerful tools to craft highly convincing and personalized phishing campaigns (see "The Double Role AI Plays in Email Security and BEC Exploits" for more on this, it's a great blog!). While AI-driven security solutions are essential in combating these threats, they work best when paired with a vigilant, well-trained workforce.

Why Human Insight is Essential (AI does have some limitations)

Artificial intelligence a pivotal role in email security by analyzing vast amounts of data, detecting patterns, and identifying potential threats at speeds far beyond human capability. Here at IRONSCALES, we use AI to construct detailed social graphs and communication baselines for each user, allowing it to detect even the subtlest signs of anomalous or malicious activity.

These graphs map out normal communication patterns and relationships, providing the AI with a nuanced understanding of what constitutes a typical email exchange.

But (there's always a but), AI can occasionally miss a threat, especially if the attack is novel. This is where human insight becomes indispensable. Humans can interpret nuances and understand context in ways that AI might overlook. Themis Copilot bridges this gap by offering real-time, GenAI-supported guidance to employees, helping them make informed decisions when they encounter suspicious emails.

Empowering Employees, The Last Line of Defense

Given the evolving nature of cyber threats in general (not just phishing), it’s crucial to involve employees in the security process. Cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to bypass automated defenses. Therefore, the most successful security strategies empower employees to act as the last line of defense.

Training and equipping your employees with the right tools are essential. Security awareness training (SAT) and phishing simulation tests are proven methods to enhance your employees’ ability to recognize threats. Themis Copilot enhances this training by offering real-time, context-aware advice directly within the email client. It really can help transform your employees from potential vulnerabilities into active participants in defending your organization against phishing attacks.

Not a Dumb Button, an Intelligent Companion in the Inbox

Themis Copilot is not just another “report phishing” button. It is a smart assistant that provides instant feedback on suspicious emails, drawing on AI to check against historical communications, assess sender reputation, and analyze email content for potential threats. This real-time guidance helps employees make informed decisions, reinforcing their training and reducing the likelihood of both false positives and missed threats.

By interacting with Themis, employees are not only protecting their organization in the moment but also becoming more adept at identifying and handling threats in the future. Themis Copilot educates as it protects, ensuring that every interaction is an opportunity to learn and improve.

Why Can't We Rely on AI Alone?

It’s a fair question, "If your AI is so advanced, why do you still involve employees in the process?" The answer lies in the dynamic nature of cybersecurity. Attackers are constantly evolving their methods, and no AI can anticipate every possible tactic a resourceful and determined attacker might use. By combining AI with human vigilance, you create a layered defense that is more robust and adaptable than either could be alone.

This hybrid approach leverages AI to catch virtually every email threat, while educated, empowered employees act as a critical safety net for those rare but dangerous cases that AI might miss.

Why AI Alone is Not Enough Whitepaper - Page 1

I explore this concept further in our whitepaper, including the importance of human-in-the-loop frameworks that ensure AI-driven security is always backed by human insight and adaptability.

Empowering your employees with the right tools and training, you can significantly enhance your organization’s security posture and build a culture where everyone plays a role in keeping the digital environment safe.

Themis Copilot for Outlook is a key part of this strategy.



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Say goodbye to Phishing, BEC, and QR code attacks. Our Adaptive AI automatically learns and evolves to keep your employees safe from email attacks.