IRONSCALES Recognized as Outperformer and Innovation Leader in GigaOm’s 2024 Radar for Anti-Phishing

IRONSCALES has been recognized as a Leader in the Innovation/Platform Play quadrant and an Outperformer in GigaOm’s 2024 Radar for Anti-Phishing. The analyst report highlights the innovation of the IRONSCALES platform which leverages AI and human insights to combat phishing threats. GigaOm emphasized the evolving complexity of phishing attacks and how the AI-driven capabilities, combined with real-time user feedback, position IRONSCALES as a leading solution to staying ahead of these threats.

The GigaOm Radar for Anti-Phishing notes that phishing has become increasingly sophisticated, requiring advanced solutions that offer comprehensive protection across multiple communication channels. According to the report, organizations must ensure their solutions cover not just email, but also collaboration tools, mobile platforms, and other communication channels. IRONSCALES was highlighted for its multi-channel protection, which includes integrations with collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams.

Analyst Insights

GigaOm stresses that vendors must continue to evolve with the rapid advancements in AI and threat intelligence to effectively counter phishing attacks. The report specifically highlighted IRONSCALES' AI-enhanced threat protection, stating that the platform "employs multiple AI and ML models to protect against phishing threats" by analyzing behavioral patterns, communication habits, and using advanced techniques such as computer vision for detecting malicious links and attachments.

In addition to AI, the report recognized the critical role of training tools. GigaOm highlighted the real-time user engagement of IRONSCALES, which includes Themis Copilot, allowing users to interact with AI and gain insights on potential phishing threats before reporting them. This real-time training and simulation of phishing attacks tailored to each organization further enhance the platform's proactive cybersecurity strategy.

Furthermore, GigaOm emphasized the growing need for security awareness that adapts to evolving phishing tactics. IRONSCALES was recognized for its continuous feedback loop between AI models and users, resulting in more accurate threat detection and enhanced security training that evolves alongside emerging threats.

Key Criteria for Anti-Phishing Solutions

The GigaOm Radar for Anti-Phishing offers valuable insights for organizations evaluating their phishing defenses, including:

  • Comprehensive Multichannel Protection: Ensure the solution protects not only email but also other communication tools such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, and mobile devices.
  • AI-Driven Threat Detection: Opt for vendors leveraging AI to analyze communication patterns and behaviors for advanced phishing detection.
  • Dynamic User Education: Look for solutions that offer real-time training and user engagement to foster proactive defense against phishing threats.

With phishing threats continuing to evolve, GigaOm’s recognition of IRONSCALES as a leader in innovation and growth underscores the platform's ability to stay ahead of attackers by continuously refining its AI-driven approach.

Read the full GigaOm Radar Report and request a demo to discover how IRONSCALES can protect your organization from advanced phishing attacks.

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