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An Office 365 phishing attack that IRONSCALES identified

Attack Summary Details

  • Impacted IRONSCALES customer mailboxes: 5,870
  • Impacted IRONSCALES customers: 1,282
  • Security Bypass: SPF, Visual Scanners
  • Technique: Social Engineering, Malicious Payload, Clone Phishing


Credential theft phishing is one of the most common forms of cyber attacks. These types of attacks are dangerous, effective, and easily scalable.  Dangerous because credential theft leads to account compromise. Effective because the emails mimic legitimate vendor emails. Scalable because the generic nature of these emails allows them to be sent en masse with very little effort or expense.


The Attack: Method & Payload

In this phish, the attackers sent an email that impersonated Microsoft and purported to notify the recipient that their account password has expired and needed to be changed. Should the victim have clicked “Keep Your Password now” in the email body, they would have been directed to a malicious landing page.


Recipient: M**** L**** <m*****@s********.com>
Sent from: Remind <editors@fiercepharma.com>
Subject: Your Password Expired!
SMTP Server: wfick.sohab.com (

Notification Microsoft Office 365 Alert Dear infoCompany: s
***** Email: i***@*****.comAcess To Your Email will be Expired,To use Your current acess or change it click on Button Below Keep Your Pa

Danger: External (editors@fiercepharma.com)
Brand Impersonation, Reported Spam, and more... Details
Report This Email FAQ Skout Email Protection
Microsoft Office 365 Alert

Dear info

Company: s*****
Email: i***@s******.com

Acess To Your Email will be Expired,
To use Your current acess or change it click on Button Below

Keep Your Password now

PM Tracker

September 17, 2021

This week's sponsor is TransPerfect.

Implementation Guide: Top 10 Considerations When Implementing Machine Translation (MT)

Our checklist reviews 10 essential factors to consider when implementing MT for your life sciences content so you can leverage the benefits of increased quality, reduced costs, and shortened turnaround times that this technology offers. Download now!

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Publisher: Rebecca Willumson
Associate Publisher: Angelique Alcover
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This email was sent to *********@g***.com as part of the Fierce Life Sciences email list



The payload in this attack is a fake Microsoft login page.

O365 attack blog Picture1 

What to look for

From the perspective of the recipient, understanding email anomalies can help prevent the execution of the attack. The spelling mistakes highlighted in the sample attack email above are typical in phishing emails. While the language and template used in this attack are common, the addition of a newsletter text in the email body is rare and makes this attack unique. The reason why cybercriminals use such a technique is to evade or confuse NLP (Natural Language Processing) based detection mechanisms. 


How We Handled This Attack

Our AI named Themis was able to identify and mitigate this attack. She immediately pulled the phishing emails out of the inboxes of all our impacted customers.


To learn more about IRONSCALES’ fully integrated anti-phishing and security and awareness training solution, please sign up for a demo today at https://ironscales.com/get-a-demo/.

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